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Always prescribe a spacer with an MDI

When prescribing a metered dose inhaler, don’t forget to include a AEROCHAMBER* brand of chambers for both children and adults. AEROCHAMBER* VHC is proven to deliver inhaler medication better than the inhaler alone.1,2,3

Spacers improve lung delivery

AEROCHAMBER* brand of chambers improve lung delivery by consistently delivering the intended dose, regardless of inhaler technique. A recent third-party pharmacokinetic study demonstrated that AEROCHAMBER PLUS* FLOW-VU* chamber optimizes lung delivery, even in healthy adults trained on correct technique.1

“When the pMDI was used with the spacer, inhalation into the lungs was optimised”1
  • Healthy adults aged 18-40 years
  • Received device training
Use of pMDI alone reduced overall mean lung deposition by approximately 50%; even in well trained, healthy adults participating in a clinical study.
View study
AEROCHAMBER PLUS* FLOW-VU* chamber compensates for poor pMDI inhaler technique

Spacers overcome coordination issues

If using an MDI alone, even a short half second inhalation delay reduces the predicted lung delivery to approximately 1% of the intended dose. AEROCHAMBER* device holds the medication suspended for an extended period of time, allowing patients more time to inhale their medication.2

Ventolin pMDI
Ventolin† pMDI

Spacers reduce side effects3,4

Whether using an MDI (without a spacer) or a DPI, the majority of the dose deposits in the back of the throat.5,6 However, when combined with an MDI, the AEROCHAMBER PLUS* FLOW-VU* chamber filters out the larger particles that would deposit in the back of the throat which could lead to side-effects such as hoarseness, sore throat, or thrush.5,6 Did you know that if using the MDI alone up to 10x as much medication can deposit in the back of the throat.5

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Guidelines recommended use of spacers for people of all ages.

Canadian Thoracic Society | 2010 Consensus Summary for children six years of age and over, and adults

The addition of a holding chamber with mouthpiece is helpful in overcoming poor hand-mouth coordination and reducing side effects, with increased drug delivery and lung deposition

Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention 2021 (Global Initiative on Asthma) |

For patients prescribed pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) use of a spacer improves delivery and (for ICS) reduces the potential for local side-effects such as dysphonia and oral candidiasis.

Recommended by MDI companies

The safety and efficacy of the AEROCHAMBER* brand of chambers has been validated in numerous third party clinical evaluations with different patient populations with various MDIs.7 It is the most studied brand of spacer and is listed in the prescribing information for the following MDIs (in select countries).


Prescribe AEROCHAMBER* for all of your MDI patients

AEROCHAMBER* brand of of chambers is proven to deliver medication better than the inhaler alone.1,2,3,4,5,6
Prescribe AEROCHAMBER* brand of of chambers to both children and adults to help ensure they are receiving the full benefit from their inhaler. Based on life cycle testing, we recommend replacing the AEROCHAMBER* device after 12 months of continuous use.

When recommending an MDI, it’s not a choice whether to add an AeroChamber. It’s an obligation.

Stéphane Coté, Pharmacist
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Your prescription is required to receive insurance coverage

Private health plans usually cover the cost of the AEROCHAMBER* device as part of the extended health benefits. The prescription and the paid receipt will need to be sent into the insurance company following purchase. Depending on the province, some chambers are reimbursed.


Use our resources below to ensure your patients are getting the most from their inhaler medication.

Prescription Form
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Use this electronic prescription pad to prescribe the appropriate chamber. Remember that chambers should be replaced after 12 months of continuous use.
Intended Use | PDF | 1.08 MB
Chamber Selection Guide
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Chambers come in a variety of sizes and styles. Check that your patients are using the correct one for their age and ability.
Intended Use | PDF | 1.87 MB
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The Personalized Approach to Inhaled Medicine

Speaker: Professor Anna Murphy
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